Yeah, those Wolf Guard on the bikes? They volunteered for the suicide mission to be the bullet magnet. For Hammer and Anvil to work we need a durable Anvil - not a homicidal rampaging lunatic with a glass jaw!

This means that Murderface is about three times more likely to take a dirt nap than a Ven Dread. He does not have an Invulnerable save at all and he can not tell the opponent to re-roll those bad Damage table results. Why not drop in Murderfang instead of one of the Venerable Dreads? Because Murderfang is still just a normal Dreadnought on the outside, Armor 12 and 3 Hull Points. You may very well lose a Dreadnought (or both) but it is worth it to draw fire away from your cavalry. As threats, the Dreads will be soaking up shooting, because they can not be ignored, and so taking some heat off of your vital cavalry units. The Dreadnoughts mission is not only to wreak havoc but to hem the enemy in and show them that there is no place to run, making the job of taking down prey easier for the charging Thunderwolf Cavalry. This is huge, couple that with the ability to ignore 2 out of 3 glancing/penetrating hits and you have a hard to remove threat in your opponent's face. Why? Well first it is two Dreadnoughts with frick'n 3++ saves and Strength 10 close combat attacks and the Vens can re-roll on the Vehicle Damage table. Two Venerable Dreads with Blizzard Shields is going to make your opponent sweat bullets. Be sure to get as close to a choice unit as possible for a next round assault and be sure to keep the enemy facing towards the Dreadnought's front because side and rear shots will skip the 3+ Invulnerability.

Your Dreadnoughts need to survive at least one round of shooting so finding them cover from some lines of fire is helpful. It sounds very aggressive, like something the Space Wolves would do - so let's put it to practice!ĭrop those Venerable Dreadnoughts right into the enemy's chili behind them, inside their lines or at the flanks - wherever you can find an advantage. Then you need the hammer, swift and powerful, as it comes slamming down on the enemy from the front and squashing them against the unmovable anvil. First you need an anvil, hard as steel, to hem in the enemy and block their escape. The Hammer and Anvil strategy is rather straightforward.